10–12 Apr 2024
Władysława Reymonta 7
Europe/Warsaw timezone

The Web of FAIR Research Data

10 Apr 2024, 11:45
Audytorium (Centrum Dydaktyki AGH, U-2) (Władysława Reymonta 7)

Audytorium (Centrum Dydaktyki AGH, U-2)

Władysława Reymonta 7

Audytorium (Centrum Dydaktyki AGH, U-2) Kraków, Poland


Prof. Karel Luyben (EOSC Association)


The realization of Open Science's promises for research, society, and innovation hinges on a concerted (global) effort to ensure the FAIRness of data—both for computers and people.

Europe, in pursuit of the European Open Science Cloud, aspires to lead in this endeavour. Only if data become globally Findable, Accessible, and Interoperable, we make them effectively Reusable for science and innovation, even if not all information can be publicly disclosed, such as personal data and data in industry.

This asks from researchers a conscious effort towards curating, storing, and sharing research data so that they are accessible to all, of course, as far as legally permissible and ethically justifiable. This transparency also makes research results better verifiable. The benefits of researchers opening up their data and research results are welcomed by decision- and policymakers, funding bodies and society at large.

How does this vision of Open and FAIR research data, and the services and infrastructure needed for this, become a reality in Europe and globally? What would a FAIR ecosystem for research data consist of? What coordinated action is needed from institutional and national bodies, funding agencies and research organisations? These type of questions will be addressed in the presentation and discussed with the audience.

I will address what can be done at the institutional level and will explain the "European Open Science Cloud" (EOSC) initiative. This initiative aims to bring together existing and future data and research infrastructures in Europe with the aim of providing researchers with a virtual environment in which they can store, manage, analyse, and reuse research data across scientific boundaries.

Presentation materials